Thursday, November 21, 2013

Post #1

Why do you read?

Before you answer that question, look out the nearest window. No seriously, do it. Right now. I'll know if you don't. What did you see? It was probably something along the lines of other buildings, a street, and maybe some trees. Now, name the last time you saw these things. Probably sometime pretty recent. Maybe you look out this very window every day. Maybe the thought of taking in this view one more time makes you sick. This is why I read.

Think of that window one last time. Don't you wish that one day you'll look out and see something new? See something different? See something exciting? You would change it if you could right? If you wouldn't, I would highly suggest getting a life. Or you could just try reading. So let's say right now you're sitting at home, where you always sit, doing what you always do. Now you're on a boat in the middle of an ocean with a tiger! Holy crap how did that happen!? You see my darling, that is the power of reading. You're in your own life looking out the same window you see every day, and then you're looking out someone else's. Guess what the view from their window is? Hogwarts! Not only are you looking out their window, you're seeing it with their eyes!