Sunday, December 8, 2013

Book 1

     My book one is Thirteen Reasons Why. I'm nearly finished and I can't wait! The book is like watching a train wreck, but in a good way. Is that a little morbid? Probably. Anyway, it's like you know something tragic is about to happen but you can't look away. You are completely captivated, or mortified. You have to see how it happens. You see how easily it was caused and how easily it could have been prevented.
     I like how the book pretty much starts out with telling you Hannah killed herself. (Oh, sorry... Spoiler Alert). And you're like:

     But then you're like I MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENS. You HAVE to know what's on the tapes. The desire to know the truth consumes you. So you read incessantly for days on end (okay maybe just a couple hours) and your about halfway through the book when it hits you. You were so involved in getting to know Hannah's character then you realize something crucial that you forgot. SHE DIES.  Hol-lee crap. And you're like:
     At first you're like "There's no way that's true! That can't be possible! She had so much potential!" and after that you're like "Why would the author do this!?! How cruel!! I'm gonna hunt them down!" And the you're like "Wait a minute, maybe she could come back to life! I think that could happen!" But then you're like "No. I can't." but after that you're like "I still have to finish the book."
     If there's anything I don't like about this book is how it makes you connect with the reality of your own life. You realize that hardly anyone asked Hannah if she was ok. You think about how Clay wished he would have said something to her. And that maybe he could have saved her. You think about everyone you don't notice. Everyone you don't bother to look up at and smile. Everyone that could be Hannah. How you could already be too late. But you can't save everyone, right? There's no way you can talk to everyone. Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda.

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