Thursday, December 5, 2013

Post 2: What is a book?

What is a book?

     A book is a love story. Not just romance books, all books. Not what's going on inside of the book, it's you and the book. You can't put it down and you apologize to it if you drop it like you would apologize to a real person. You read past your bed time and neglect all worldly responsibilities to be with this book. But if you're in love with a book, does it matter how you read it?

What's the difference between an e-book and a real book?

     Has holding a real book become some king of magical portal to teleport you inside your book? From my experience with books, no. If you believe otherwise, stop eating the mushrooms you find in the forest you hippie. There's nothing magical about a book. Sure you can fell it or smell it or give someone a concussion with it if you so desire, but that does not change anything about what's inside the book. Sure being able to have a physical book in your hands is nice but that does not detract any amount of feelings from your love story.

But aren't Kindles and iPads the tools of the devil used to murder puppies?

     What is it about technology that makes people want to demonize it? Your computer froze? Better go rage-quit and rant to whoever's at Best Buy. Oh, well this is a rant for another day. But seriously, what's wrong with finding your love story electronically? Oh no! Technology is improving to make our lives easier! Oh the horror! Calm down people. Okay so you don't like change? Alright, then you can avoid devolve back into a fish and get eaten by a megalodon. Hopefully you can handle that much change because you probably wouldn't like being a single celled organism. But for real, y u no like Kindles? It's like the e-Harmony of the book world! Why go searching and scavenging at the town watering hole when you can click a few keys and find your soul mate instantly?

But they're still different.

     Of course they are! It's all personal preference! If you would rather feel a book in your hands, get a book and stop whining!

But if I get an electronic device, books are going to disappear completely!

     Quick! Someone get me my epi-pen! I'm allergic to stupid! There is no way books are going to disappear completely. Anyone who says different is either a conspiracy theorist or that weird guy that's always standing outside of Dollar General with tin foil on his head. Books have been around for longer than that Tupperware container of some kind of meat pudding that's been in your fridge longer than anyone can remember but it's still there because if you touch it might jump on you and eat your face. They just won't disappear completely, and if you try to your face is going to get your face chewed off by a librarian with arthritis.

     Just find whatever you want and fall in love with it.


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